Yer Logo Links

Thursday, September 9, 2010

CHANGES!!!?!? (once agen :P)

hey world i just had like the best idea evar and i kno it gunna sound like i copied sesame street but well yeh i kinda did but i didn't mmmm'kay well im changing a few things firstly im not goin to making as many videos for yerlogo but i will still be making them i has to until my domain like youkno dies in like 2 years i will be making videos on behalf of yerlogo for a brand new type of show i am calling l3ttr of the day where i basically just like choose a random letter from the alphabet and then use that letter in a few examples simple right well yeh im working on the blog which will be on wordpress yeh im converting as well (srry) but yeh and im finnaly goin to join the +1billion peeps on youtube hehehe so yeh i think it will be fun :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


lol hey guys i had the craziest night it started out as a regular monday night jus chillin at home and then my friends txt me sayin were outside lets go im like k for randoms hehehe so we end up in an abandoned school and 2 min later were on the roof lmao what a night XD

Sunday, September 5, 2010

so my life gets turned back on and productivity drops down for now

yeh u read correct my life has been turned back on so im jus gunna do a blog post here and there i apologize just got get priorites right get me