Yer Logo Links

Sunday, June 6, 2010

website evolution..

hey world n3rg here (getme) but on a serious not manz is feelin like changin up the html makeup of yerlogo u kno make it 'new' lmao well gett posted famz safe for da support yeh DANNO!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

important decision

hey world been a whyle yeh i kno dis (getme) but newayz like i is like not usin da wondows OS no moar cuz like i finally converted to ubuntu and y#ll should checkz it out (getme) its preety snazzy nd stuff nd ohyeh like i(we) have decided to change the way the 'show' was goin and were jus gunna like KISS( from here on in like no more flashy effects...this is due to recession and tha fact tht i has finnaly got me like a webcam nd ting danno (getme) but yeh plus like i kinda forgot bout this hehehehe the site will live