Yer Logo Links

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teh Concept of Time & Space

hey world sup? neway jus wanted to post my thoughts on the theory/concept of time & space nd whatnot...yeh goin off topic 4 a bit i have a forumz so don't 4get to join dat aswell nd i can help all the n00bz out there havin trouble wit life nd i don't me RL lolz so yeh

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

r4nd0m 5tuff - o_0

so yeh jus chillin nd workin...lolz at work nd on ep 4 - yet to be named...iunno some preety cool stuff might happs not sure yet like i wuz like tlkin to dis freind of mine nd he might be apart of the bigger picture nd stuff so yeh site 100% up nd runnin so check it iight...peace

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wait...wha iz tht?...oh wow its a site nd a forum o_0

hey world n3rg here i think i finnaly did may be wonderin what 'it' is well 'it' is the official yer logo site nd i outdid myself cuz yerlogo haz a forum now so you might as well join nd if you PM me i'll make said persona honouray admin so you can start topics nd what not i need someone to manage my forum i can't do evryfing lol

Thursday, May 14, 2009

ep3 - europe nd beyond

hey w0rld sup yo? neway jus wanted to say that the next installment of yerlogo is under way iight nd well i literally changed up my location and im bac to using my original accent nd what not hey if anywon out the want to talk or jus threaten my life or somthing (lol jus jkin) my emailz iz az followz k: iight peace w0rld