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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ep3 - going abroad lol

hey world n3rg here sayin that ep 3 will be be our longest ep ever proly cuz i will be goin sumwhere and stuff but further detailes will be revealed lol

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

got facebook?

thats right folks there is a facebook group out now but the only way you can join is by sending me or any member of the yerlogo team a email lawl but soon nuff when poularity strikes then we'll ,make it open to the public and proly move onto othere forms of communica lol a rumor has been spotted by indy sayin anpromotional vidoe is goin to air on youtube soon time lol

Sunday, March 15, 2009


its finaaly here

hey world at exactly some time in the future ep2 came out and everyone was happy lawl:( i wonder if anyone weven stumbles on this blog :'(...(mood swing) anyway ughhh?!! im creating a faceboo group calle yerlogo feel free to join nd stuff lolz

ep 2 - ideas on the brink of rendering lawlz

hey world its been a loooong tim yeh i've been busy u kno with work and goin to napal to become a monk but only to be kicked becuasei killed a couple of things and of course getting ma jesus phone but yeh that for another post just wanted to say ep 2 soon time 'k' lawlz 2 all on da inernet HA!!!