Yer Logo Links

Saturday, September 12, 2009

srry evry1 :(

yeh world srry bout the hold up the team has been ever expanding nd well we just havent had the time to like u know put it up well the team nd i had a epic discussion on whether or not to split ep 4 into 2 pts cuz it gnna take bout a week to render nd such so yeh pls wait some more yeh

Friday, August 28, 2009


hey world im yes i know itss been a while but im havin sum prolems at teh mo so be patient yeh pls anywho i jus wnna say sup nd all im wrking on a permanat logo for the show but might take some time yeh so be patient okkk but meh whatev jus stay tuned nd what not yeh

Monday, August 10, 2009

4WWWW M4N!!!!

yeh world sup i know ur eagerly waiting for a new ep but the team is havein inspirational black from a higher cause [the universe_2012] yeh so we have been preocuppied with like playin 360 nd stuff so srry but ur gnna have to wait iight peace out

Friday, July 31, 2009

l0ng t1m3

heh world lolz sup? (rhetorical question)... but yeh the yer logo team has been working hard nd i think its safe to say that we will be moving into the HD era qutie sooner that we expected...well dont get to happy i mean wre still actors for the show nd what not but i have to wait till one of our memebers to start college nd stuff so we can do some recruiting so yeh i think this show nd website nd anywhere this takes me i think it was a good idea

Sunday, July 12, 2009

5tr4ng3 dr34m5

sup world?... yeh jus wnna let anyone who cares that (ep4 - strange dreams) is in the process of bein filmed nd stuff nd will proly be out soontime k nd yeh i think its gna explain why my netname is n3rg...?! so yeh thingz r lookin good at 3L33T 5TUD105 i mean were in da process of obtainin a new cam but i wont go into ne detailes lols cuz i don't wnna say 1ting nd somthin happ u get em lolz but yeh gna sit dwn wit the team nd dicuss whadup so yeh peace holmes(thatz u world)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

5rry it'5 b33n t0 l0ng

hey world...srry its been to long since i rambled on bout randomz but hey i have a life now...yeh its wierd havin one like i used to like not havin a life nd somone plated one on me like WTFBBQ??!?? but yeh ep 4 coming soontime be patient watch somthing else iight

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Camera huntin...etc?!

hey world... (o_0)?! sup??? me im iight i guess (huh?) yeh i have decided wit the help of the yerlogo team well we think its in our best interest to go out nd buy a proper cam yeh i mean well the cam we have now is kkk but i nd the other memebrs feel its time to conform to the way of the future nd go HD yup in a couple epss you will see crytal clear eps coming soon to a server near you oh yeh ep 4 is in the make so be patient iight nd GO TO THE FORUM ND STUFF ND COMMENT...also if you want to see the potential of the show check out some of my subborndinte MCnrgnrg'z work on youtube..i think on of his vids is called basement wars nd another is called Time Hobo iunno hes kinda wierd lol thats his kinda flex special FX nd stuff hes good but not well known that y i choose him but yeh i think i've wasted enough of your life for one day...stay frosty

Thursday, June 4, 2009

call in teh calvery lolz

hey world i think itz time i called in the calvery...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teh Concept of Time & Space

hey world sup? neway jus wanted to post my thoughts on the theory/concept of time & space nd whatnot...yeh goin off topic 4 a bit i have a forumz so don't 4get to join dat aswell nd i can help all the n00bz out there havin trouble wit life nd i don't me RL lolz so yeh

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

r4nd0m 5tuff - o_0

so yeh jus chillin nd workin...lolz at work nd on ep 4 - yet to be named...iunno some preety cool stuff might happs not sure yet like i wuz like tlkin to dis freind of mine nd he might be apart of the bigger picture nd stuff so yeh site 100% up nd runnin so check it iight...peace

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wait...wha iz tht?...oh wow its a site nd a forum o_0

hey world n3rg here i think i finnaly did may be wonderin what 'it' is well 'it' is the official yer logo site nd i outdid myself cuz yerlogo haz a forum now so you might as well join nd if you PM me i'll make said persona honouray admin so you can start topics nd what not i need someone to manage my forum i can't do evryfing lol

Thursday, May 14, 2009

ep3 - europe nd beyond

hey w0rld sup yo? neway jus wanted to say that the next installment of yerlogo is under way iight nd well i literally changed up my location and im bac to using my original accent nd what not hey if anywon out the want to talk or jus threaten my life or somthing (lol jus jkin) my emailz iz az followz k: iight peace w0rld

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

turn the hands on time

hey world have ou eva wanted to go back in time and fix things between someone and makes things perfect again but you know u couldn't because it would mess up the space time-continum or smthing but yeh i think that like if ime travel was posible well the world would be perfecct u know but tahts jus meh u know.

Monday, April 6, 2009


hey world im trying to type but im on pone nd ting but eh?!!?!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ep3 - going abroad lol

hey world n3rg here sayin that ep 3 will be be our longest ep ever proly cuz i will be goin sumwhere and stuff but further detailes will be revealed lol

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

got facebook?

thats right folks there is a facebook group out now but the only way you can join is by sending me or any member of the yerlogo team a email lawl but soon nuff when poularity strikes then we'll ,make it open to the public and proly move onto othere forms of communica lol a rumor has been spotted by indy sayin anpromotional vidoe is goin to air on youtube soon time lol

Sunday, March 15, 2009


its finaaly here

hey world at exactly some time in the future ep2 came out and everyone was happy lawl:( i wonder if anyone weven stumbles on this blog :'(...(mood swing) anyway ughhh?!! im creating a faceboo group calle yerlogo feel free to join nd stuff lolz

ep 2 - ideas on the brink of rendering lawlz

hey world its been a loooong tim yeh i've been busy u kno with work and goin to napal to become a monk but only to be kicked becuasei killed a couple of things and of course getting ma jesus phone but yeh that for another post just wanted to say ep 2 soon time 'k' lawlz 2 all on da inernet HA!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If you're quiet, you can hear the mating call of the internets...

So....nothing's been said for over two weeks...
Sorry to all of our avid readers for the lack of update, but I for one am busy with house hunting and general university stuff. I haven't talked to NRG lately either, but he's likely busy with work too. That being said we have great things planned, so stay tuned!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

oh yeh...duh

oh yeh hey world 4got to tell ya to IGNORE ANY ADS ON THE SITE LOLZ thats the price of free webhosting :s

ep1-How it all began

I'd like to introduce 3L33T Studios

hi there and me, indy nd oterz hove given birth to 3L33T Studios. nd if ur a NOOB then i will translate... 3L33T = ELITE duh. anywayz the site is almost done nd stuff so yeh keep yourself updated with Yer Logo Yer logo

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


hey there yeh wrld its beena while u know lolz but yeh lifesz meh oh yeh i wanned 2 tellu gaiz dat i stared to g-design again so i post my stuff up on dev-art so u can view dem nd make dem yer wallpaper

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

let the recruting begin



thanks anyone who sees this


Monday, January 12, 2009

don't worry better quaility coming soon

hello world it your friendly nieghbourhood nrg and im here to tell you that we have new blood in our production cast yes thats right you ma have already read his post the new admin is(drum roll)... indy yup and oh yeh i figured out why the quality of the videos are so bad don wrry it gonna be fixed i hope lolz

The New Guy

Hey, just thought I'd say a few words to the undoubtedly numerous readers here on Yer Logo. Indy here. I'm helping out Nrg with his blog and various activities. I don't really know what else to say here, but look forward to some stuff we're planning. I'd like to give you a bit more info, but for the sake of keeping it a surprise (and the fact that we don't actually know what we're going to do yet) I'll have to leave you hanging here. Just trust that if it comes from us, It's going to be good.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

site under construction

oh yeh... i forgot to mention that the promo d ep1 are out and being viewd by the world that cares nd stuff nd im tellin you now that i will have a lot links here and on thwe site so you can keep in touch with nrg nd da crew. for now watch the vids on NOW stay snazzy

Friday, January 2, 2009

promo coming soon

hey guys a tiny spore of inspiration has lead me to venture on a quest using my knowledge of motion graphics and stuff to make a promo kk peace coming soon

Thursday, January 1, 2009


OMG it now 09 nd stuff yeh i know it been a while but funds have been short sum so i haven't had time to start the show but in a couple of weeks it'll be up nd running forget a website im using this blog for now there really is no need ot go through all the pressure of designeing a site that no one will look at this way i will have a blog that no1 loks at lolololollol happy new year 2 anyone that reads this lol